Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Crazy parking

Overall- 3.5/5

Alright, now, this one I enjoyed playing- Crazy parking is basically a digitized version of the old rush hour traffic games where basically you have a car stuck in the middle of a parking lot, surrounded by cars of different sizes, that can only be moved either left and right, or up and down, making the un-jamming process a challenging one.
Not as good a game as Angry Birds, but fun non the less.
No sound and no music, though I'm not sure if this is a disadvantage or an advantage, as sound and music in games like this tend to get irritating.
Graphically it looks exactly as it should.
The only problem with this game is that it has only 12 levels and you'll be done playing in an hour or two, which is less the optimal, considering the board game has, like, a million of them..
All in all it's worth downloading.

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